Roofs for Troops – $250 Rebate for All Active Military, Veterans, and Retirees

What to Do When Your Roof Starts Leaking

There are few things quite as alarming as walking into a room in your house and seeing water dripping into your home and belongings. Luckily, if you know what to do about a leak, you can easily deal with this frustrating issue. Read on to learn how to find a roof leak and how to […]

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Causes and Repairs For A Sagging Roof

Is a sagging roof dangerous? Yes, it is.

A sagging roof is dangerous and unsightly. When your roof starts sagging, you need to act fast. Learn about your options for a sagging roof in this guide. What to Do With a Sagging Roof? A sagging roof is always a cause for concern. Many may wonder, “Is a sagging roof dangerous?” While minor sags […]

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Roof Inspections: Everything You Need to Know

Your roof is one of the most critical parts of your home as it protects the interior from the elements. Of course, you’ll want to take good care of it. Extreme weather can damage your roof incrementally, from dripping rain, piles of snow, or even windy days.  Leaks and other issues can cause extensive damage […]

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How Long Does It Take to Replace a Roof?

how long does it take to replace a roof

If you’ve had a recent roofing inspection, you might have received the news that it’s time to replace your roof. A roof replacement is usually required after an emergency, extra damage, or severe storm. If no damage occurs, most roofs can last between 12-20 years without a roof replacement. However, if it’s time to replace […]

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Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof?

A roof can last decades. Unfortunately, problems could happen at any moment, which means it might be time for a roof repair or replacement. Repairing a roof is the cheaper option but not always the right choice when deciding between roof repair or replacement. Sometimes the damage to your home is too devastating, or it’s […]

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