How to Keep Your Cabin Looking Great All Year Long

It’s cabin season in Minnesota, and if your weekend getaway is looking more like a piece of work than peace of mind, you’re not alone. Since cabins are only visited every so often, it’s all too easy to forget about yours until the first trip up. Now you’re stuck doing winter damage control—when you’d rather be kicking it back on the lake!

You don’t always have to vacation like this, though. With just a little bit of reframing and renovation, you can have a cabin that’s ready for you whenever you need it. Perfect Exteriors, your cabin and home exterior contractors, explains below.

Rethink Your Maintenance Routine

It’s time to stop just picking up the pieces and start contributing to something that won’t break in the first place. Maintenance should be preventative, not reactive. Make a point of taking cabin trips during the spring just to get the chores done. This can include inspecting for storm damage and contacting the proper exterior contractor, taking care of your gutters, or anything else that winter has left in poor shape.

While it’s not necessary to completely finish cabin work on these trips (unless you want to!), making a dent in it can leave a bunch more time for relaxing once warmer weather rolls around. Your exterior will also thank you by holding out and looking great for longer.

Invest in Quality Materials and Installation

If it isn’t built to last, no maintenance routine can save it, and you won’t want to take care of your home exterior if it’s constantly falling apart anyhow—it’d seem futile. That’s why a quality siding contractor, team of roofers, or general exterior contractor can make such a difference in both your cabin’s looks and your motivation.

Invest in your cabin and yourself with new siding or roofing that fits your style. You’ll feel great taking care of something you treasure, and it will more than return the favor, especially with the installation help of a great exterior contractor.

In fact, you may even begin to look forward to maintenance; after you see the way it makes your cabin look like new again, caretaking may become slightly addicting!

Perfect Exteriors: When Your Cabin Deserves Nothing but the Best

New siding, roofing, and storm damage repair—we do it all, and we’d be proud to be on your cabin’s comprehensive care team. Give our Monticello office a call today at 763-271-8700.