Tips for Winterizing the Exterior of Your Home

Picture of winterizing roof.

Wintertime means that it’s time to bust out the jackets, beanies, and winter gear. However, wintertime also means that you should take some preventative measures for your home’s exterior. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips for winterizing the exterior of your home, including how Perfect Interiors of Minnesota can offer outstanding solutions for roofing, siding, windows, and more. From gutter installation and gutter repair to top-of-the-line residential roofing services, we’re here to offer the best solutions at affordable prices. Here are some winterizing tips you should adhere to:

Stop Those Door Drafts

One tip for getting your doors ready for winter is to install draft guards. To know if you have a troublesome draft entering your home, place your hand near the bottom of every door that leads to the exterior. If you feel air blowing inside, you will want to install a draft guard. A draft guard is a device that is placed between the ground and your door. These draft guards help to:

  • Limit the hot air that escapes your home
  • Decrease the cool air that enters your home
  • Stop dirt and debris that slides in from under your door

Not only can these draft guards lead to a more comfortable home, but they can also help you save on energy costs.

Thoroughly Clean Your Gutters

If you neglect to regularly maintain your gutters, you could experience many problems once winter storms roll around. To prevent ice buildup and icicles from forming, you’ll want to clean your gutters thoroughly. Clean gutters will help ice melt fast, which leads to less ice buildup and fewer issues with your home’s exterior. If ice continues to build up inside your gutters, it can lead to possible roof and interior ceiling damage. If you inspect your gutters and find they are damaged, then you’ll want to consider a gutter replacement. If you’re looking to have a new type of gutter installed, then seamless gutters are very beneficial. Instead of multiple gutters joined together, seamless gutters come in separate, single sections, which provides many advantages.

Have the Roof Inspected

If you’re inspecting your gutters, then it’s a good idea to also inspect the roof. It’s important that your roof is able to withstand a heavy storm. For professional roof inspection services, the experts at Perfect Interiors of Minnesota are here to help. We offer exceptional residential roofing services to offer the peace of mind you need. Furthermore, we’re seen as one of the best window and roofing companies in the area thanks to our roofing experts and top-notch window installers.

Choose Perfect Interiors of Minnesota Today!

Are you looking for one of the most trusted window and roofing companies in Minnesota to handle all of your exterior winterizing needs? If so, then pick up the phone and call Perfect Interiors of Minnesota at 763-271-8700.