What to Look For on an Exterior Contractor’s Website

Picture of exterior contractor.

Are you in the market for an exterior contractor? If so, like many people, you’ve probably turned to the internet to do research on home exterior contractors near you. It’s a convenient tool, and you most likely can get a plethora of results in seconds. Just click on the first one that pops up, and you’re all set, right?

Not so fast. While the internet can be amazing for quickly locating the services you need, you still need to be a responsible consumer if you’re looking for the best exterior home contractors. It pays to look through a few contractors and judge their websites—yes, their websites—to determine the caliber of services they offer.

If that doesn’t come naturally to you, don’t worry! Judging the websites of exterior contractors is a skill that can take a little while to learn, but Perfect Exteriors is here to help. Below, we’ll describe some key factors you should seek out when determining if the exterior contractor you have in mind is a quality one—online factors, that is.

Your Exterior Contractor’s Website Should Cater to Customers

No matter if you’re looking for a roofer or exterior remodeling contractor, this idea holds true. Even though you’re hiring your exterior contractor for, well, contracting purposes, they should have invested in a website that is geared toward the customer. You shouldn’t have to pull teeth to figure out what the business values. If you do, this suggests your exterior contractor doesn’t value clear communication, which is a trait that doesn’t bode well for the work you need to be done. Perfect Exteriors is proud of our website. You can learn more about what we strive to do as a company right here.

On any exterior contractor’s website, you should also look for:

  • Pages are written in plain English | Though your exterior contractor is an expert in their field, they should understand that the purpose of their website is to communicate information to people who are not. Clear writing is a must, and it’s the only kind of writing you’ll find on our website at Perfect Exteriors.
  • A clean, modernized layout | If your exterior contractor’s website could have come straight out of the 1990s, it’s a sign they haven’t caught up with the times. This is bound to reflect in their work. Look for a sleek, modernized website design that screams professionalism.
  • A balance between personal and professional | Nobody likes to do business with cold, unfriendly people, but the flip side is also true: nobody likes to do business with people who are so relaxed they don’t take their jobs seriously. The online tone of your intended exterior contractor should strike a balance between these two personas—just use our website as an example.

Contact Perfect Exteriors Now for the Help of Expert Exterior Contractors

We’d be honored to be your helping hand as you strive to better your home. Give our Monticello office a call now at 763-271-8700.