Why Reviews Matter When Selecting an Exterior Contractor

Picture of client review Perfect Exteriors of Minnesota.

You’ve checked over your exterior contractor of choice’s website, and everything seems to check out. They claim to offer great service, provide photographs of their work, and even give an about page that demonstrates the company’s affable personality. You’re ready to make that phone call—time to put those exterior home contractors to work!

Well, not quite. The one area you may have forgotten to check is the review section. Any exterior remodeling contractor worth their salt should have this section on their website. It’s an indication, arguably more than any of the aspects listed above, that this contractor has built rapport within the community and is good at their job.

But why are customer reviews so important? Won’t honest photos of the work this contractor does suffice, and doesn’t a professionally designed website convincingly show their credibility? While both of these factors should definitely play a role in your judgment of your potential home exterior contractor, reviews should always be instrumental in making your decision. Learn why below from Perfect Exteriors, a Monticello exterior contractor.

Reviews Come from the One Variable a Company Can’t Control: Their Customers

Photos might capture an instance when this contractor did good work, and a professional website shows they care about their image, but those are both things that that contractor can control. While the contractor can, to a great degree, influence how satisfied their customers are, it is up to those customers to leave reviews. This allows for a great degree of honesty about that contractor’s services. You’re not seeing what the contractor displays for you, but instead real feedback about the work that they do.

Reviews also:

  • Are succinct | Generally, customers do not write essays in the form of reviews. If you’re just beginning to look for exterior contractors, this makes reviews a good place to start, as you can quickly judge many contractors without poring over their websites.
  • Demonstrate what kind of personality the business has | Though you can get a feel for this from the company’s website, reviews provide real evidence from clients that the contractor is as customer-focused as they say they are—or that they’re lying.
  • Show a definite history of service | If the reviews have been left through months or years, they act as a consistent indicator that the company has performed a certain way. While photographs might capture a moment of this service, reviews demonstrate it over time and provide a more accurate picture of the kind of service you’re likely to get.

Looking for Top-Notch Exterior Contractors? You’ve Found the Best of the Best

Perfect Exteriors is proud of the service we provide, but don’t just take our word for it—we’ll let the reviews speak for themselves. For skilled renovations with attentive customer service to boot, give us a call at 763-271-8700.