Ensuring Successful Roof Replacement – Part 2: Hiring a Reliable Roofing Contractor

Regardless of the type of roofing material you choose, it is highly important to choose a reliable, experienced and certified roofing contractor for roof replacement and installation. Whether you’ve chosen the relatively affordable asphalt shingle or metal roof, or the costlier slate, a new roof will still prove to be a significant investment, one that you cannot entrust with just anybody. Not to mention, you will also be paying for the skilled labor, so why not give your money to a company with a good reputation, right?

Hiring a Reliable Roofing Contractor

Here are some things for you to consider when looking for a roofing contractor to work with:

1. Hire Local

It is best to hire a local company – one that has an actual office in your area. – Not only will this lead to working with an established business with a solid reputation in your community, but it also means avoiding storm chasers preying on hapless homeowners, who are simply looking to get their roof back into shape as soon as  possible.  

And because you’re hiring local, you can easily reach your roofing contractor whenever they are needed, and you can trust that they are knowledgeable about local building codes and climate needs.

To make sure that you are hiring a local roofer, ask for copies of their business permit and contractor license. You may also ask for customer references to verify that they have already worked for clients within your city or state.

2. Ensure Insurance Coverage Is in Place

You need to be assured that your roofer has workers’ compensation and liability insurance. This will protect you from liabilities and expenses related to worker compensation and accidents, or incidents during the project. Ask to see policy certificates, and take the time to call the insurance provider to verify the validity of the insurance.

3. Don’t Be Fooled by the Price

When searching for a contractor, you will most probably find yourself requesting quotes from multiple companies. But keep in mind that price isn’t everything, so you should never choose a company based solely on their quote. When you go with a cheap bid, you may find yourself saving on initial costs, but may end up spending more on maintenance and repair (or even replacement!) in the long run.

In the next post, we’ll be sharing some tips on how to prepare your home for installation day, helping to get  your roof replacement project off to a good start. Stay tuned!