How to Maintain a Cedar Shake Roof

Cedar shakes are a beautiful, natural roofing material that creates a rustic look on your home. However, cedar shakes require a great deal of care and maintenance to keep them looking their best and to ensure they are able to keep water from penetrating the roof. If you have cedar shakes on your roof, here are three things you will want to do to ensure your roof is properly maintained. 

Have The Shakes Sealed

One of the ways to properly maintain a cedar shake roof is to have the shakes sealed. When you install any type of wood structure, such as a wood deck or a wood fence, you should seal the wood. This is true with a wood roof as well. The seal helps adds a layer between the wood itself and outdoor elements, such as rain and dry air. Sealing them helps to extend their life and keeps them looking great. The frequency in which your shakes need to be sealed varies based on the weather elements where you live and the type of seal that is applied. 

Have the Roof Inspected Twice a Year

The second way to properly maintain a cedar shake roof is to have the roof inspected twice a year. It is recommended that you have a wood roof inspected in the fall, before winter weather hits, and in the spring, after winter weather has passed. Wood roofs are more prone to problems, such as water damage, wood-eating pests and splitting and cracking. A roof contractor can inspect your roof and look for signs of damage. If damage is noted, they can repair or replace the problem before it becomes more extensive. 

Have the Roof Cleaned in Spring

The final tip for maintaining a cedar shake roof is to have the roof cleaned. Dirt and debris can build up on a roof, and mildew can grow. Cleaning the roof helps to remove debris and mildew. This can make keep help to showcase the natural color and beauty of cedar. 

Cedar shake roofs require more maintenance than your average roof. Here at Perfect Exteriors of Minnesota, we can take steps to properly maintain your cedar roof and help it to last as long as possible. If you are in need of cedar shake roof maintenance, give us a call today to schedule an appointment for one of our contractors to come and assist you.