My Roof’s Shingles Are Crooked. Should I Be Concerned?

We’re all familiar with what the ideal shingled roof looks like—how its rows seem to be the pinnacle of parallel, how each shape created is exactly congruent. It’s why things like missing shingles as a result of storm damage tend to be relatively easy to notice; after all, a disruption in all that perfection sticks out like a sore thumb!

To varying degrees, crooked shingles can be equally as apparent, but sometimes the skew is impossible to detect until your roof looks completely irregular. Which begs the question: are crooked shingles something to worry about?

Perfect Exteriors, Minneapolis roof installation experts, has the answers below.

Crooked Shingles: The Lowdown

The short answer: crooked shingles aren’t a problem in and of themselves, unless you don’t like the look—which you probably don’t. They do, however, indicate that something larger is amiss with your roof, or even your whole home itself! And just like their varying degrees of noticeability, they can demonstrate issues that have varying degrees of severity.

Regardless: They’re a sign that you need pro home exterior contractors at the property. No matter what caused them, they’re not an easy fix—but they are a necessary one, as their variety of causes, listed below, all have the potential to snowball.

Soil Shifting Can Cause Crooked Shingles

In this case, the root of the problem isn’t in the roof at all, but in the foundation—and it’s why it’s important to hire an exterior home contractor, not just a roofer, to assess the issue.

As your home ages and time passes, the soil around it will settle, allowing the building to sink into the ground. While this is a natural process and usually not something to worry about, it is an issue if it happens to your home unevenly. Aside from a crooked roofline, it can mean that your home eventually will face outright collapse!

Crooked Gutters Give the Illusion Your Shingles Are Crooked

If your gutters are sagging, of course your roof will look crooked! Any straight line will appear as such when held up next to something non-parallel. Get a pro to fix your gutters and you’ll be home free.

Crooked Shingles Caused by Poor Roofing Installation

At the end of the day, if your home is otherwise fine, you can chalk crooked shingles up to a downright low-quality roofing job. However, the specific reason is a little harder to discern, so get a high-quality provider of roofing services out to your home quickly!

Perfect Exteriors: Here to Straighten Things Out

No matter if you’re dealing with cedar shake shingles or something else entirely, our roofing services and exterior contractors are here to get your roof looking orderly again. Give our Monticello office a call today at 763-271-8700.