Picking the Right Roof for Your Needs

Picture of contractor working on roof.

Whether it’s for functional or aesthetic reasons, it’s come down to it: you’re investing in a new roof! Though you’re probably excited to give your home a whole new look and fix any roof-related structural problems while you’re at it, we understand the buying process can be fraught with tough decision-making. From selecting the right contractor to deciding on timelines, the number of choices that must be made to secure a purchase from a roofer can sometimes seem overwhelming!

And, of course, there exists the biggest question of all: what roofing material will work best for you? Should you look into asphalt roofing, cedar shake roofing, or even metal roofing? Which would suit your budget, functional requirements, and style?

Skip the agonizing research and hire an exterior contractor who will give you the facts: Perfect Exteriors. In every consultation with us, you can rest easy knowing you’re receiving information from trusted roofing industry professionals who are constantly striving to better their craft. We’ll even give you a head start on picking the right roof for you by presenting a primer below.

Your New Roof And You: Making the Right Choice

What type of roof you’ll ideally end up with depends on a number of factors, which include your financial standing, your ideal aesthetic, your time and ability to care for the roof, and what hazards the surrounding weather brings to the table. A skilled home exterior contractor will leave no stone unturned as they work to assess these influences and will use them to match you with the perfect roof.

Some common roofing types available include:

  • Asphalt shingle | Strong and versatile, this roofing material is a great choice for homeowners of all types. Though many envision this roofing type as uniform grey in color, it comes in a variety of textures and hues.
  • Cedar shake roofing | With the gorgeous appearance of real wood, cedar shake roofing is an awesome option for homeowners willing to put in the work to take care of it. Provided maintenance requirements are met, this roofing type can prove quite economical as well.
  • Metal roofing | Ranging from highly-saturated and sassy to deep black and classy, metal roofing is also tough as nails. It’s wonderful for homeowners looking to make a statement with their roofing choice or those who desire its unique money-saving properties in the form of energy efficiency.

Still Unsure? Perfect Exteriors is Here to Help

As a Monticello exterior contractor, we’d like nothing more than to be of service to you and your family. For personal and comprehensive roofing help, give us a call at 763-271-8700.