Signs of Spring Exterior Moisture Problems

Picture of exterior moisture damage.

While the first signs of spring might make many of us in the Midwest want to break out our sunglasses and shorts, the smart homeowner knows that they must take care of their home too. Winter is hard on the buildings here, and spring can be even more so. With rising temperatures and animals searching out new places to nest, the season presents its fair share of hazards, but none of them are as insidious as moisture damage.

As the sun shines and the snow melts, water can seep into cracks and crevices it hasn’t before, and if your home isn’t prepared, you’ll set yourself up for anything from mold growth to failing infrastructure. Plus, a home with moisture-related damage is probably worth less than a similar one without.

How do you know, though, what water moisture damage looks like before your home goes underwater in more ways than one? Perfect Exteriors, as an exterior contractor and a provider of residential roofing services, is here to help. Below, we explain how to spot early signs of moisture damage before they cause the extensive damage that so many homeowners worry about.

Early Signs of Water Damage Can Be Hard to Spot

Finding your home’s parts that are vulnerable to water damage can sometimes feel a little bit overwhelming. After all, the exterior of any building is huge! Plus, only someone with extensive, specialized training as a home exterior contractor can fully and adequately inspect your home’s exterior for weak or failing points. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Perfect Exteriors for help. We offer free, no-strings-attached inspections to anyone in need. Since exterior-related moisture damage and plumbing-related moisture damage are two totally different issues that can present very similarly, it pays to have a professional on the case.

If you’re looking to spot initial signs of water damage, though, here are a few common indicators:

  • Your interior’s paint is deteriorating | Water damage to your home’s exterior can leave your interior vulnerable. If your paint is suddenly peeling or bubbling, it could be a sign that some point of your home’s exterior has weakened, and water has found its way in.
  • You’ve discovered mysterious ceiling stains | Hey, how did that get up there? If your previously white ceiling is now a strange shade, it’s possibly a sign that you’ll need to call in some roofers.
  • Your gutters are cracking | Your gutters’ job is to help your home manage its water exposure. If they aren’t working right, the chances are you’re at risk for moisture damage. Get ahold of a gutter repair company pronto.

Perfect Exteriors MN is Here to Help with Your Spring Exterior Maintenance

Call our Monticello office now at 763-271-8700 for your free inspection!