What Leads to Pest Infestations in the Attic?

That scuffling you near from the attic isn’t Santa’s reindeer stopping by for a premature visit—chances are, if you’ve got attic noises, you’ve got pests. From possums to racoons to squirrels, any number of wildlife species can find a warm, dark attic the perfect spot to stake out until the cold weather dissipates.

Of course, as a homeowner, you don’t want these destructive, disease-carrying houseguests taking up residence in your roofing, so how do you stop them from getting there in the first place? Perfect Exteriors, your Monticello exterior contractors of choice, is here to help. Below, you’ll learn about three sneaky things that can let pests into your attic and what you can do about them.

Lack of Storm Damage Repair

Did you forget to call your storm damage contractor for far too long? This won’t just lead to snowballing roof issues—it can also lead to pests in the attic! When your roof is structurally compromised, determined animals can chew or claw their way through weakened areas to get roof access. They leave a nice-sized hole behind which can further cause roofing issues; say hello to damp insulation!

Prompt storm damage repair is critical to keeping your local wildlife where it belongs: in the wild. As soon as the blizzard or thunderstorm passes, get a hold of your preferred pro.

Lack of Tree Pruning

Tree-dwelling animals are incredibly agile, and when you let long tree limbs lead to your roof, they become easy entrance routes to your attic. You’d be surprised at how spindly a branch a squirrel can navigate! For the health of your trees and your roof, have an arborist or other qualified professional trim back your branches on a yearly basis.

How far back to cut branches is dependent on how large your tree is and its proximity to your home; generally speaking, though, trees should be planted at least 20 feet from your home.

Improper Moisture Management

If there is too much condensation buildup in your attic, animals may find the space attractive real estate simply because of the consistent water source. A too-humid roof is also subject to mold issues, which can rot out important structural features and provide easy access to pests.

Keeping your roof dry with sufficient ventilation goes a long way towards keeping the critters out; learn more about roofing ventilation in our roofing company blog “Improper Attic Ventilation: A Silent Roof Killer.”

Perfect Exteriors: Here to Keep Your Roof Healthy

The best defense against pests is a good offense—in the form of preventative roof care, that is! Give our home exterior contractor team a call today at 763-271-8700.