What Makes a Good Roofer?

Picture of roofing contractor in Minnesota.

If you’re looking for an exterior contractor to repair or replace your roof, you’ve probably got your work cut out for you. Every home exterior contractor has their own specialties, for one; some do solely asphalt roofing or a given kind of roofing, some do all types, and some do a few. Trying to find a roofer in your area who specializes in your chosen option can be difficult on its own.  Add in the fact that you’re essentially a layperson to the industry if you’re not an exterior home contractor yourself and your quest for a quality roofer can feel downright impossible.

Until you found Perfect Exteriors, that is. Our Monticello team has put quality first since we opened our doors in 2002. But we wouldn’t expect you to settle for some vague declaration of quality service—learn more about what makes our roofing team a good one below.

Good Roofers Are Passionate About Service

While it may not require as much face-to-face time as, say, hairdressing, roofing is still a service job. Roofers lend their skills to a layperson for a fee; isn’t that the definition of a position in the service industry? Ergo, a great roofer is passionate about that very thing: customer service. At Perfect Exteriors, we never forget that our clients enable us to do what we love for a living, and that’s why we’ve got a long list of sterling reviews detailing our commitment to those we serve.

Of course, it takes more than respectful treatment of clientele to make a great roofing company like us.

  • Good roofers are professional. Dealing with clients in this way is how roofers show they take their jobs seriously. We demonstrate professionalism, for example, by being fastidious about our workspace so that our clientele’s property stays clean and donning uniforms with pride.
  • Good roofers are proud of their work. So proud of it they are, in fact, that they display it in an online gallery like we do. This means the roofing company stands behind their work and takes accountability for their craftsmanship.
  • Good roofers are versatile. All the parts of your home’s exterior work together to protect your family from the elements—roofing isn’t the only thing that does this job. A good roofer has many areas of expertise as we do, and an even better one can use them to assess your home’s needs from a systematic standpoint, as we can.

Contact Perfect Exteriors and Get Your Perfect Roofing Today

All of the above considered, you can see we didn’t name ourselves what we did for nothing! Give our Monticello team a call at 763-271-8700 for the best roofing and service around.