What’s Causing That Roof Leak?

When your roof leaks in heavy rain, the cause might appear simple: a crack in your roof. But take it from a team of exterior contractors: roof leaks are hardly, if ever, that straightforward. Sure, they can indeed be the result of physical damage, but not always—and even if they are, finding the source of that physical damage can feel like detective work if you’re not prepared.

Perfect Exteriors is here to help. Below, you’ll learn about a few clues you can use to sleuth out where your roof leak is coming from, alongside when calling a pro is your best option.

Where Is the Moisture Distributed?

Generally, roof leaks are caused by some moisture-related problem, but what that looks like varies depending on the case. Just because your roof is a little soggy doesn’t mean it’s cracked! It may, for example, be suffering from poor ventilation, as we touched on in our blog on the subject.

If you climb up to your attic and notice widespread moisture on insulation and wooden facets of your roof alike, chances are you’re suffering from an insulation problem. If, on the other hand, the moisture is concentrated in one particular area, look up: you might be dealing with a leak that stems from above.

Is Your Leak a Roof Leak at All?

Many people see the telltale ceiling stains and immediately go straight to storm damage, but that isn’t always a correct assumption. Many plumbing leaks also can look quite similar to roofing leaks, and vice versa, in the sense that they both can lead to stained ceilings. So how can you tell the difference and know if you should call your roofer?

Simple: observe the stain itself. You’ve got a plumbing issue if it steadily gets bigger, regardless of the weather. If the stain tends to grow and shrink sporadically, or otherwise to have uneven sizes day-to-day, you need a home exterior contractor STAT.

How Are Your Roof’s Vulnerable Parts?

While every roof, if built correctly, is designed to last, there do exist certain spots on each that are more vulnerable to damage. These include chimneys, dormers, ridgelines, and occasionally, the valleys—if you fail to keep them clean. Some of these areas you should be able to interact with from the attic, and they’re great first stops on your leak-finding inspection, thanks to their being quite the risk.

For Storm Damage Repair and More, Perfect Exteriors Is Here to Help

Our Monticello team of roofers has the five-star service your home needs to get back into top shape. Reach us today at 763-271-8700.