Four Reasons Minnesota Homeowners Love Vinyl Siding

Picture of vinyl siding installation.

Vinyl has long been considered the “economy option” for quite a few things, siding included. However, just because something is affordable doesn’t mean it’s not worth your time! With the help of high-quality vinyl siding contractors at Perfect Exteriors coupled with our top-notch brands, your vinyl siding investment is bound to serve your family well for years—and look amazing to boot.

But what’s there to love about vinyl siding? Economy option aside, it’s also an incredibly common fixture on houses everywhere. Why add yours to that ever-lengthening list? To answer that question: quite a few reasons. Below, Perfect Exteriors, a Monticello exterior contractor, explains all there is to love about this popular siding type.

Vinyl Siding Is Popular in Minnesota for a Reason

First of all, just because many people use this siding type doesn’t mean it always looks the same. Take it from a great vinyl siding company: this is one of the most colorful and varied siding types around. There’s a hue and shade for every style of home, from the classic to the contemporary. Vinyl siding installation gives you the ability to truly show off your style!

That’s not all this well-loved siding type brings to the table.

  • Incredible durability for its price makes vinyl siding a true bargain. Modern technology has led to siding contractors working with tougher and tougher vinyl. Combine this with the siding type’s friendly price and it becomes a wonderfully smart choice.
  • Low maintenance requirements make for a worry free purchase. Vinyl siding requires comparatively little care to keep looking its best. This means that it fits neatly into the lifestyle of on-the-go families and that it’s a siding that you won’t need to fret about fitting into your schedule.
  • An immense amount of widths and profiles means that there’ something for every home. Color isn’t the only customization option; you can pick the way your siding looks structurally, too! With so many ways to make your siding your own, it’s no surprise that homes everywhere have gravitated towards vinyl.

Perfect Exteriors: Your Preferred Home Exterior Contractor

Of course, you’ll only get the most out of your new vinyl siding if you work with an experienced team of vinyl siding installers to ensure a job done right. Luckily, Perfect Exteriors of Monticello has just the know-how and dedicated staff you deserve. Give us a call today at 763-271-8700. We humbly look forward to serving you!