Siding Stains: What Causes Them and How to Remove Them

When it is first installed, your siding may practically gleam, but since it spends all of its working life outdoors, it’s unrealistic to expect it to stay that way forever! A little grime is normal, and a quick wash will fix it—but what do you do about stubborn stains that resist all amounts of elbow grease?

The good news: siding stains are a rather predictable occurrence, and by learning what causes them, you can both stop them from happening in the future and rid your home of the ones it is  currently dealing with. Perfect Exteriors, your Monticello home exterior contractors of choice, is here with a brief guide below.

Where’s my Siding Stain Coming From?

Sometimes, it’s a bit hard to pinpoint where, exactly, that obstinate splotch is cropping up from. What’s so indicative about a brown smudge, after all? Granted that your siding is stationary, though, it’s a safe bet to say that it’s coming from one or more of a few factors:

  • Excessive shade
  • Air leaks
  • Poorly maintained gutters

What to Do About it

That, of course, depends on what type of siding you own. An exterior contractor can give you more specifics in person or over the phone. The following, though, serve as nice guidelines.


If the stain is showing up in excessive shade, chances are it’s the result of either the variations in sun exposure or mold. If any siding type is left in consistent shadow, the areas that aren’t are bound to fade more in the sunlight, which probably necessitates the help of a siding installation contractor. Mold, on the other hand, sometimes requires specialized products to remove.

Air Leaks

Air leaks can occur for a variety of reasons—wonky HRV, off-kilter ductwork, you name it. These types of siding stains tend to come out of “nowhere” and air leaks are frequently the cause if you can’t fathom a different one. Get a siding company out to your home to fix the underlying problem and follow up with an appointment with an HVAC contractor.

Gutter Problems

When gutters are improperly maintained, water quickly overflows from them, coating your siding and making it excessively prone to degradation or mold growth. Learn about gutter maintenance and recruit an exterior home contractor to fix the issues!

Perfect Exteriors: Here to Support Your Siding

Our Monticello team is here for you for all your replacement or repair needs—no matter what. Give us a call today at 763-271-8700.