How to Keep Your Home Exterior Safe from Outdoor Pests

Picture of outdoor pest.

Nature: while we all may love and appreciate a good hike in it, we all probably would like it better if it stayed out of places it didn’t belong. Nobody enjoys waking up to a pantry full of mice or discovering an attic full of squirrels! Keeping animals out is not just a matter of maintaining a sanitary house, though; these situations can be detrimental to wildlife as much as it is to your family. When these creatures aren’t out in the natural ecosystem where they belong, on a large scale, the change in their behaviors can disrupt food chains, which leads to an unbalanced environment. Plus, they aren’t always as safe in your home as they might think. For example, raccoons that nest right next to your electrical system probably didn’t pick the smartest place to settle down and raise a family.

For your sake and theirs, it’s essential you keep outdoor creatures from taking up residence indoors, and that all starts with a sturdy and sound exterior. Perfect Exteriors, as a Monticello exterior contractor and a team of roofers, is here with some pointers on how to do so.

Learn How to Keep Animals Where They Belong

Of course, you can take preventative action—trimming back trees and such—but if your home’s roof, siding, or gutters are in disrepair, you’re opening your doors to the outdoors. Maintain your exterior with the regular help of a home exterior contractor, and you greatly decrease the curb appeal, so to speak, of your home, as far as wild animals are concerned.

Potential hot spots you’ll want to periodically check over include

  • Your roof | Everything from opossums to raccoons loves cozy attics filled to the brim with insulation. Your roof, should it become dilapidated, can create entry points for these critters, so periodic inspection from residential roofing services is essential.
  • Your gutters | Clean these at least a few times a year. Uncleaned, they provide a home for everything from birds to mosquitos. Cleaning is a good idea even if you’re not in an area that’s prone to pests, as it promotes the longevity of both your roof and your gutters.
  • Your siding | Carpenter bees love to nest in the nooks and crannies in your pure wood siding. While they rarely sting, their presence is certainly unattractive. If your 100% wood siding is decaying to the point that you’re dealing with bees and the resulting woodpecker damage regularly, consider employing a siding contractor to switch to a less wildlife-friendly type, such as fiber cement siding.

Contact Perfect Exteriors for Top-Notch Home Help

Whether you’re replacing your pest-damaged home assets or just want to show animals they’re not welcome, Perfect Exteriors is here to help. Give our Monticello office a call at 763-271-8700.