Three Renovation Ideas that can Boost your Home’s Resale Value

Picture of Perfect Exteriors home project.

If you’re selling your home, the last thing you probably want to do is put more money into it right now. You probably want to head straight into your new life, and you just don’t want to deal with your old home anymore!

Hang on just a minute, though; we at Perfect Exteriors, as a team of exterior contractors, are here to show you a new way of thinking about renovations if you’re on the market. Renovating your home’s exterior can be a smart step toward attracting the ideal buyer, especially if your house is on the older side. It boosts curb appeal, drawing interested parties in from their cars, for one. It also lets a potential buyer rest easy, knowing that the home they’re interested in isn’t some run-down shack, but a well-cared-for abode. Finally, the work you put into your old home now can result in a higher resale value, which lets you embrace your new life with a little more cash in your pocket. Take it from a home exterior contractor: renovations, in the right circumstances, can be so, so worth it.

But What Renovation is Right for My On-the-Market home?

That depends on a variety of factors, including current trends, what the rest of the neighborhood looks like, and what parts of your home are the oldest and in need of repair. Your realtor will be able to point you in the right direction, but you can also do some independent research yourself by visiting home-improvement and real-estate internet sites.

A few popular renovations can include

  • Siding replacement | You don’t need a siding company like us to tell you that worn-out siding makes your home look, well, worn-out. Investing siding, be it from metal siding contractors or vinyl siding contractors alike, adds major curb appeal, as well as signals a potential buyer that their hypothetical investment is well-protected.
  • Window replacement | Windows do a lot for energy efficiency, and they also can lend a home a specific style. If your window frames are damaged or your panes cracked, replacing them can go a long way in boosting your home’s resale value. Plus, you’ll enjoy the light they let into your home while you’re still there!
  • Roof replacement | While this is an expensive renovation, it certainly is one that can help you sell a house. Homes that need lots of maintenance in the future might not generate as much interest in the present, so if things just aren’t progressing at the speed which you’d like, consider asking your realtor if a new roof might fix the problem.

Contact Perfect Exteriors Now for High-Quality Renovations

We’re a Monticello team of home exterior contractors with experience in almost any exterior renovation you can think of. To explore your options, give us a call at 763-271-8700.