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4 Ways to Maximize Your Commercial Roof Service Life

In any commercial building, the roof is a major asset. It does more than keep the interior dry; it allows your company to operate normally whatever the weather. A healthy roof reduces downtime and liability, and helps preserve the building’s structural integrity. Considering its business value and price, it’s in your best interest to maximize its service life.

Commercial Roof Service Life

For us at Perfect Exteriors of Minnesota, here are the best ways to make your commercial roofing system last for as long as possible:

1. Maintain It

Good drainage, proper penetration and equipment clearance, and limited, but safe access are some of the essentials of good maintenance. If one critical element is missing, you may have to make changes to your roof or building’s design.

2. Know What Red Flags Look Like

A responsible property owner can recognize signs of roof damage and their possible causes. As with your siding, you should have a deep understanding of your roofing material. Be familiar with the factors that can compromise its integrity so you can create policies that can preserve its pristine condition.

3. Adopt a Preventive Approach

Schedule professional inspections even when you don’t notice problems. Calling in roofing experts only when you discover an active leak is bad practice. In most cases, leaks only occur when there’s a serious cause for concern. By the time you learn about it, the problem is already too costly to fix. Unchecked roof problems certainly shorten the time between replacements.

Creating a scheduled maintenance plan and adhering to it is an effective way to stay ahead of leaks. As with your windows, regular inspections allow professionals to catch issues with your roof early.

4. Don’t Let Storm Damage Wait

Storm-related issues with your commercial roof need immediate attention. Procrastinating on the necessary repairs allows further damage to happen and may nullify your roof’s product warranty. Furthermore, major leaks can disrupt your business operations.

Perfect Exteriors of Minnesota is the authority in commercial roof care. We know what it takes to keep it in good repair and delay the need for replacement. To talk about your needs and get a free estimate in Minneapolis or Maple Grove, MN, call us at (763) 271-8700.