Do I Need Roof Repair or Replacement?

Roof in shambles? It might not be as bad as you think! Sometimes even the saddest looking roof just needs a little face lift. However, there are also times wherein a perfectly fine-looking roof disguises horrid structural problems underneath and will soon begin to collapse if it is not soon fully replaced.

Indeed, roofing problems aren’t always straightforward, and figuring out the right route to fix your issue can therefore be a bit tricky. Good thing Perfect Exteriors, your Monticello exterior contractors of choice, is here to simplify things!

Roof Repair: For the Young but Ailing Roof

Generally speaking, if your roof hasn’t yet reached its expected lifespan—which is determined by its material and your care—repair is probably a much better option. It probably would save you money if the damage done is minimal, routine or weather-related. Replacing your roof in those cases, from a practical standpoint, would be like buying a new commuter car solely because your old one needs an oil change.

Specific and non-dire situations which could warrant repair over replacement include:

  • A few curled shingles
  • Gutters beginning to clog with granules (if you own asphalt roofing)
  • Hail damage
  • Minor leaks

In short: Anything that is either routine maintenance or does not severely compromise the structural integrity of the roof is a good candidate for repair.

Replacement: For the Old and Far-Gone Roof

Economically speaking, there are times where replacement is actually a smarter option than repair. All roofs, no matter how skilled the roofers that constructed them are, will eventually age and need do-overs; repairs can’t prevent or fix that.

Anything that severely compromises the structural integrity of the roof, be it age, moisture, or something else entirely means that, at some point along the line, you’ll need replacement, not to patch it up with repairs. They’re meant to prolong a roof’s workable years, not to push them beyond feasibility.

If we return to the vehicle analogy we used earlier, sure, you could invest $2,000 on repairing your old beater car after a fender bender, but given that it’s fussy as it is and is probably worth less than what you’d pay, is it really worth it?

Perfect Exteriors: Your Source for All Your Roofing Needs

With our personal service and quality pledge, we’ve made our mark as trusted Monticello home exterior contractors. But don’t just take our word for it—we’d be thrilled to show you firsthand! Reach our team at 763-271-8700.