Three Benefits to Choosing a GAF-Certified Roofer

Picture of GAF Certified Roofer work.

When it comes to roofers, certifications and training courses abound. This is, of course, a good thing—it means that you have access to quality residential roofing services and that certified roofing companies have the knowledge they need to keep their customers safe and happy.

However, it can be a little confusing for a potential client to navigate the wide variety of certifications roofers hold and decipher what they mean. Every training course completed, every title earned, means a given exterior contractor possesses certain skills or characteristics that make them stand above others in their field; it’s an important indicator of what that home exterior contractor does well. But how are you supposed to have a working knowledge of every single certification out there?

While discussing the world of roofer training is a little too big a topic to tackle in a blog post, we at Perfect Exteriors can at least tell you about a title we hold that helps to guide our high-quality roofing process from the ground up: certification from GAF.

GAF Certification: What it Is and What it Means

GAF is a brand of shingles—and our preferred brand of shingles for our asphalt roofing due to their durability and classical good looks. The roofing company offers a certification program which requires a team of roofers meet stringent standards and undergo training in order to receive the title of GAF Master Elite.

What does this mean as far as our work is concerned, and how does it affect you?

  • Our certification means you can trust the quality of our asphalt roofing work. With all the training our team has gone through and our adherence to the aforementioned regulations, you know that you’ll be getting great results. This isn’t an honorary certification: it’s one that demonstrates that we can deliver.
  • Our certification means that we’re passionate about our job. Pursuing this certification, as you can imagine, isn’t an easy task. It requires that a contractor be driven and truly care about what they do, characteristics that indicate they’ll be great picks for your roofing project.
  • Our certification means that we care about you. Not only does this title mean we care about our work—it also means we care about those we serve. Certification is a powerful marketing tool, sure, and it’s thus something that allows us to extend our reach and help more Minnesotan families.

Contact Perfect Exteriors Today for Top-Notch Roofing Help

We don’t just let certification speak to our quality; we work to practice quality every day and in everything that we do. Give our Monticello office a call today at 763-271-8700.