Steel Siding: What Homeowners Should Know

Picture of beige steel siding.

So you’re going to redo your siding—what an exciting time! New siding can completely change your home’s look, as well as renew its defenses against the elements. No matter what kind of siding you choose from us, we here at Perfect Exteriors know you’ll be happy with your decision.

Has steel siding caught your eye? Awesome choice! Take it from a metal siding contractor: steel siding is one of the most hardy, all-purpose siding types out there. Though it is commonly seen on commercial buildings, steel siding is a wonderful choice for the homeowner looking for a modern-looking aesthetic with a great toughness factor to boot.

Read on to learn a little more about metal siding from Perfect Exteriors, a Twin Cities siding installation contractor and siding company.

When it Comes to Physical Toughness, Nothing Beats Metal

Though all siding types from Perfect Exteriors are tough as nails, metal siding does possess some inherent properties that make it physically stronger in certain circumstances. For example, because steel siding is made of metal, it is extremely resistant to all types of storm damage. Hail and the occasional wayward branch are no match for the sturdy shield that is steel!

Aside from the obvious physical strength of steel siding, it’s also:

  • Impervious to insect infestations. Ever hear of a bug that eats metal? No? Us either! Steel siding is tough for everything from termites to carpenter ants to penetrate, thus making your home unattractive real-estate for these pesky critters. Your home’s siding can stay looking gorgeous for decades without the threat of insects coming to destroy it.
  • Gorgeously modern and versatile. Though some people associate steel siding with industrial or commercial buildings, with the right design, steel siding can create a beautifully contemporary look on homes everywhere. Don’t knock this siding’s potential before you’ve truly investigated what your aesthetic options are with it.
  • Virtually maintenance free. Aside from your keeping an eye out for rust, there really isn’t much that steel siding needs to maintain its lovely finish. While other homeowners are busy winterizing their siding or fretting about the fluctuating temperatures, you’ll be able to rest easy, knowing your steel siding will come out fine.

Looking For the Best Steel Siding Contractors? You’ve Found Us: Perfect Exteriors

As Twin Cities exterior contractors, we’re primed and ready to give your home the look and protection it deserves. Give us a call now at 763-271-8700.