Why Use Gutter Guards For Your Home?

Plastic Guard Over New Dark Grey Plastic Rain Gutter On Asphalt

Your gutters play a much more important role in the longevity of your home than you might think! Their primary purpose is to steer rainwater down and away from vulnerable areas of the building’s infrastructure. While a little standing water caused by a lack of gutters might seem like a simple aesthetic concern, it’s much more than that. If your gutters cannot manage these puddles, they can no longer protect your home. This means that your foundation can take a hit from prolonged water exposure, as well as possible basement mold problems. Both of these can be costly to repair!

For all the reasons stated above, it’s vital that your gutters function at their best at all times. Periodic cleaning and checking for breakage can help with this, but these tasks can be time consuming. Luckily, Perfect Exteriors, an exterior contractor and gutter installation company, is here with an amazing product that makes your gutters so much more efficient in the long run: gutter guards.

Gutter Guards: Saving You Time and Money

Gutter guards are essentially shields for your gutter system. They frequently resemble flat strips of metal with regularly spaced holes drilled through them. Installing a gutter guard system with Perfect Exteriors is one of the best ways to get the absolute most out of your gutters.

  • Gutter guards stop clogs and animal infestations. When you install gutter guards with the help of a gutter replacement company, you know that the product works. The brand of gutter guards we carry helps stop larger pieces of debris from getting into your gutter system (such as leaves and sticks), so they stop efficiency-reducing clogs before they start. Because your gutter system will no longer be exposed, animals and birds also cannot nest inside of it—another issue that can clog your gutters entirely, not to mention spread disease.
  • Gutter guards can make your home more attractive. Invisible from the ground, our gutter guards are available in two attractive colors and can fit in with the aesthetic of nearly any home. Prevent standing water and be the envy of the neighborhood with your polished, puddle-free lawn and your well-maintained gutters.
  • Gutter guards can make cleaning your gutters a less-frequent chore. Though we still recommend cleaning your gutters regularly (especially before each winter), gutter guards work to stop sizable bits of detritus from getting into your gutters. You’ll probably need to clean your gutters less often with the help of gutter guards.

Perfect Exteriors is Here to Help with All Your Gutter Needs

We’re a Twin Cities company of roofers and exterior home contractors that would be thrilled to consult with you about what we can do to help. Give us a call now at 763-271-8700.